"Create a Profitable Blogging Business in 2023: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Launching Your Blog and Making Money"-By BIjay Deb

 How to start Blogging?

        Hello friends, once again you are welcome to our blog. I hope all of you are absolutely fine. In today's topic, we are going to know that  How to start Blogging. 

    Along with this, you will also know other things about blogging, what is blogging? And how to earn money from blogging? And so on. Well friends, there are many ways to earn money from Google in the Internet. But the safest and most popular way is Blogging.

Today's era has become a digital era and in this digital era, Blogging is also considered a very good way to earn money. There are many successful bloggers like Amit Tiwari, Harsh Agarwal, Pawan Agarwal and Satish Khushwaha who are earning lakhs of rupees only from blogging.

You can also see blogging as a business. Its most important thing is that no degree is required to start it, but any 10th pass person who has a little knowledge about the Internet can also do it.

If I talk about India, then people here did not know much about blogging earlier, but now every day millions of people are stepping into blogging only from India, many blogs are being created daily.

Out of which only a few blogs can be successful. This is because people do not know how to start blogging?

They have very little knowledge about it and this is the main reason for their not being successful in blogging. Friends, if you also want to do blogging and do not know how to start it, then you can read this post till the end.

So friends, now without delay, know what is this blogging? And how to start blogging?

What is Blogging?

        Blogging is the access of information or knowledge based on a subject to people online through a blog or website. Blogging means creating a blog or website of your own and writing information in it. So that people can get information.

    You can connect thousands and millions of people with you through blogging. You have to publish / share it by writing a detailed article about something on your blog. After which people will reach that article of yours online and will be able to read your content.

    Meanwhile, if you have placed advertisements of Google Adsense or any other Ad Network on your blog, then you will also earn a lot of money. Because the most popular way to earn money from blogging is Google Adsense, which we will talk about further.

How to start Blogging?

        You all must know that nothing is achieved in life without hard work. Similarly, you have to work hard in Blogging too. Because this is a long term process. The person who works patiently while continuously learning new things, only he can be successful in this.

    It happens in blogging that you have started work today but your earning will start after 1 or 2 years from today. It depends on you how much knowledge you have about it and how you are doing this work.

    If you do things right, you will start earning money from blogging within 6 to 12 months. Because it doesn't rain money on the second day just by working hard for 1 day. You may not get the money for years.

    But in the meantime, you do not have to leave your work by being demotivated, but keep doing it. Let us now know how to start blogging. Following are the important ways to start blogging-

    1 Select a Niche (Topic) for Blog

    Actually, the Topic of the blog itself is called Niche. You must have seen many websites in which you would have seen information related to a single Niche. Entertainment, Education, Technology, Health etc. all these are Niches.

    You can start your own blog by choosing a Niche of your choice. But friends, keep in mind that whatever Niche you choose, you should have interest in that Niche, you should also enjoy working.

    Only then you will be able to succeed in the career of Blogging. If a person is earning lakhs of rupees from Blogging and seeing them you are thinking of working in their own Niche then it is a wrong thing.

    Since that person is doing Blogging in Niche of his choice, he is earning money. But seeing that, you will do blogging in the greed of money. Then you will not get success.

    That's why you choose a Niche according to your choice and start blogging and if this question is coming in your mind that there is no good money in the Niche I am interested in, then let me tell you that there is good money in every Niche, just need to work from heart. 

2. Choose Blog Language

    You must have seen English Blog more and also know that there is more earning in English Blog as compared to Hindi. So you too must be wanting to do Blogging in English.

    There are many people who might be thinking that English Blog earns more, so I will do blogging in English only. If you know English then you can start blogging in English only.

    And if you do not know English, then with the help of Google Translate, you would want to do blogging by doing Hindi in English, then this is not the right way to do blogging.

    Start blogging in the language you like and know well, whether it is English or Hindi. Even though English blog earns more, but the people who are blogging in Hindi, their earnings are also increasing continuously.

    Right now the number of Hindi bloggers in India is very less. Google has also started supporting Hindi language. In such a situation, if you do blogging in Hindi, then you will be able to earn very well in the coming time.

3. Buy Domain Name and Hosting

        Just as every person has a name, similarly Blog also has a name and this name is called Domain Name in the language of Internet. Domain Name is called the Address or Url of your blog.

    You cannot do blogging without a domain name. You will have to buy a domain name for your website. Godaddy and Namecheap are very good platforms for Domain Name.

    There are a few things you need to keep in mind while buying a domain. Like your domain name should be user friendly, which the user sees and he can remember it immediately, it should not be too big,

    It should be according to the topic of your blog. Now you have thought of the name of your blog, but where will you host your blog? Means where will you keep your blog. For this you have to buy hosting.

    What is Hosting? If you do not know this, then let me tell you that we need a place to keep any item, in the same way to keep our blog, we need a place to store its database.

    If your budget is less then you can buy hosting from Hostinger. Hostinger provides you good hosting at very cheap prices and if you do not have any money at all you can go to Blogger.com. Here you will get hosting for free. Although the domain name will also be available for free, but your domain name will be https://yoursitenam.blogspot.com instead of https://yoursitename.com.

You cannot remove Blogspot in it. So you have to invest a little on Domain Name. You will get a domain name between 300 to 700 rupees.

4. User Friendly Design the Blog

        The interface of your blog should be User Friendly, people should like it. If people do not like the design of your blog, then they will not stay much in your site and will immediately go to someone else's website.

    Due to which your Bounce Rate will increase and Google will feel that there is no Helpful Content available for the people on your blog, due to which it will down your ranking and traffic coming to your blog will stop completely.

        If you want to do blogging on WordPress, then you can use Elementor to design the blog. This free is also available and premium is also available.

        A lot of extra features have been given in just the premium one. Although many themes also have a lot of options for customization. With which you can easily give a tremendous look to your blog.

        And if you use Blogger.Com, then there is not much customization option available in it, but you can easily give Cool Look to your blog in this too. Which will be user friendly.

    Also, keep in mind that the loading speed of the website should be between 1 to 3 seconds only. If the blog will take more time to load, then your chances of ranking down will increase.

        You can use W3 Total Cache Plugin to fix Loading Speed.

5. Add Blog to Google Search Console and Google Analytics

        It is very important to connect Blog with Google Search Console and Google Analytics because without these no one can be successful in blogging.

        You can see in youtube how the blog is linked to Google Search Console and Google Analytics. First of all, submit your blog to Google Search Console.

        This will happen that Google will be able to crawl your blog and will also be able to rank your post in Search Result, if you do not do this then your site will never appear in Google.

    After this you also have to connect your blog with Google Analytics. With Google Analytics, you can monitor user activity on your blog. Means how many users are coming to your blog,

    You will be able to see which page they are visiting etc.

6. Write Post and do SEO

        Now you can publish any article on your blog according to your Niche by writing it. You have to write such content which is completely unique, it should not be written by copying from anywhere.

        Otherwise Google will know this and will not rank you. The content that you write should have High Quality and Unique Content as well as Content Length should also remain from 1000 to 3000 words.

        You can also write an article of 500-1000 words. But I would recommend you to write more than 1000 words article. This will help you to rank on the 1st page of Google and most importantly SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

        You have to do SEO of each of your posts. For this, you can use plugins like Rank Math and Yoast SEO. 

7. Use Images and Videos

    Article seems incomplete without Image/Video. You try to use one or more Quality Image or Video in each of your articles. Because this also increases User Experience and through Image also Traffic starts coming from Google.

        The way you will write High Quality and Unique Content without copying, in the same way you will have to create High Quality and Unique Image without copying.

        When your image will look attractive, people will click more and more so that they will reach directly to your blog and your traffic will increase. You can use Canva.com for this.

        And as far as video is concerned, you can make good videos from your mobile camera only. If you do not want to make a video, then you can use YouTube videos. But you have to write below the video which channel's video you are using.

8. Create Important Pages

        It is very important to have About Us, Contact Us, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy pages in any blog. If these pages are not in your blog, then you will not get the approval of Google Adsense at all.

        Also User Engagement can also be bad. All these pages have a different function of their own. As someone needs to know about you or your blog, they will go to About Us, if they want to contact you, they will go to Contact Us.

        Blog is incomplete without all these pages. There are many websites on the Internet, with the help of which you can create Privacy Policy and Disclaimer pages in just 2 minutes. But you will have to create About Us and Contact Us page yourself.

        Similarly, it is also very easy because in this you just have to write about yourself and your blog, then it is done. These pages are also present in our website. You can go to them and see how these pages are. You will find these pages on the footer below and you can go to the Sites given below to create these pages.

Privacy Policy - Click Here

Disclaimer - Click Here

Term's & Conditions - Click Here

        You have to create About Us and Contact Us page yourself because in this you have to give information about yourself and your blog.

9. Monetize Blog with Google Adsense         If blogging is done well, then within one and a half year tremendous traffic starts coming on that blog and good earning also starts. Monetizing Blog is very important to earn money from Blogging.         There is not one but many ways to monetize the blog, out of which I am going to tell you about some of the most popular and best ways so that you too can take full advantage of it and earn money from blogging, the first way is-

➡️ 9.1. Advertisement

        When people start coming to your blog, then you can easily earn money by showing advertisements on your blog. Google Adsense is a very good platform for advertising. Google Adsense is a platform of Google itself.         All you have to do is take its approval, after which your earning will also start. But friends, Google Adsense does not give approval to everyone.         Whose blog has Important Pages, SEO Optimize Articles, High Quality & Unique Content, Fast Loading Speed etc., the same blog gets the approval of Google Adsense.         If you want its approval, then you have to take care of all these things and somewhere you are not getting Google Adsense Approval, then you can monetize your blog with Media.Net, Propeller Ads, Infolinks, Ezoic etc. Ad Networks.

➡️ 9.2. Affiliate marketing

        Affiliate Marketing is the most tremendous way to earn money online. In this neither you have to advertise nor you have to sell any product. All you have to do is suggest a product and give its affiliate link.

        If any person buys that product from your given link, then you will get some commission and that will be your earning. For information, let me tell you that the commission of different products also remains different.

        Most of the commission on Amazon is seen from 4% to 10% only. You can join their affiliate program by visiting sites like Flipkart and Click Bank and can easily earn money by reviewing their products.

➡️ 9.3. Sell Online Courses     Friends, in today's era tremendous income can be made by selling online courses. Because online marketing is continuously increasing in India right now. People are now connecting to the Internet and are also looking for ways to earn money.         In such a situation, you can provide them Online Courses. Due to which they will also be helped and your earning will also start. Whatever you have good knowledge about, you can make a related course from that. Like- Blogging, Coding, Digital Marketing, Facebook Ads, Network Marketing etc. You can sell them through your blog.         Also, you can sell your courses by running ads on Youtube and Social Media. Friends, at this time Google is providing a lot of value to Hindi content.         If you are thinking of starting a blog in Hindi, then let me tell you that now is the perfect time for you to start a Hindi blog. Because there is still not as much competition in Hindi Blog as it is in English Blog.

How to Create a Blog?

        Friends, today you will find thousands of ways to create a blog on the Internet. In which you can make a good blog by following only a few steps, but now it comes to the point that you can make a blog by following some steps, but where will you make a blog?

        To create a blog i.e. to start blogging, only 2 platforms are the best and reliable. One of which is Blogger and the other is WordPress. While on one side there is Blogger Free Platform, on the other side there is WordPress Premium Platform.

        If there is confusion in your mind that a blog can be made from both of these, then why is there a free and a premium, then let's also know the answer to this, how to make a blog for free.

➡️ WordPress: You cannot use it for free. For this you have to invest a little bit. Because in this you need to get a domain name and a good hosting plan.

        With Hostinger you can get good hosting at very cheap prices. After which you will be given Hpanel in which you can install WordPress. WordPress provides you with such features that you will be able to create your blog in just a few minutes.

        Along with this, you will also get to see a lot of SEO Plugins which is very important for your ranking.

➡️ Blogger: Friends, this is also Google's platform. Google has made it for bloggers like you and me only. It's 100% free and safe. In this, you can create your blog in just a short time.

    But more advance features will not be given in it. You will get only a few features, with the help of which you can create a blog. People who do not have money to take hosting can use it.

        Now it is not that Advance Feature is not given in it, so you should create a blog in WordPress. Using all the features that will be given to you in this, you can give a good look to your blog and also do SEO of your blog post and earn money very easily.

How to write a blog?

        How to write a blog? Friends, you must know about this. Because blogging itself means Content Writing i.e. writing Blog. If you have never written content before, then you may have some problem.

        But by trying, you will start writing good content. Those who are new bloggers often have trouble in writing a blog. Because they do not know how to write a blog?

So for this I would like to give you some tips, with the help of which you too will be able to write a blog.

Do Keyword Research correctly.

If your blog is new, then you have to write an article on Long Tail Keyword.

Do not forget to add the focus keyword to the title, first paragraph and URL of the post.

Use one or more Image/Video in each post.

Write High Quality & Unique Content. Your content should be User Friendly. The user should understand well what you want to say.

In order to increase the content length, do not add anything to the content, write only as much as is related to your focus keyword.

Do not make the URL too big, as well as enter the description correctly.

Why should start blogging?

        Friends, this is a bit strange mater that why should start blogging? But if you know about it, then you will have the courage to start blogging. Suppose that you have to convey your point to the people online, then how will you be able to convey your point to the people.

        For this either you should have a good fan following on social media or you should have a website/blog. For the time being we will talk about the blog. All you have to do is write your point on your blog and publish it well after doing SEO etc.

        After which any person who needs to know about what you have written, then that person will reach your blog with the help of Google and will be able to get the information. In this way, you can reach any of your things to a lot of people.

        So friends, now you must have understood why blogging should be started? You can earn a lot of money with the help of blogging as well as increase your popularity.

How to bring traffic to your blog?

        You will earn only when the traffic of your blog will increase, without traffic you cannot earn. To increase traffic, you will need to write high quality content.

        Also, SEO and you have to reach your post to more and more people, in such a way more people will come and know about your website. This will increase your traffic.

        Share your posts on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Quora too so that people come to your blog from here too. But apart from this there is a way by which you can gain traffic in millions.

        This is the method of Web Stories. You must have also heard about this. People are bringing great traffic to their blog by making web stories. But you can create Web Stories only when you create a blog on WordPress.

        Web Stories gets so much traffic because it goes directly to Discover. I don't think you need to tell about Discover.

How to earn money from Blogging?

        When you have completely prepared a blog, then only one question will remain in your mind that how to earn money from that blog? Let me tell you that there are many ways to earn money from blogging.

        Such as Paid Sponsorship, Advertisement, Affiliate Marketing etc. I have already told you about them above. But friends, you will be able to earn only when there is good traffic on your blog.

        You have to focus on improving the ranking of your site by not running after money first. Because when Ranking will improve then only traffic will come to your site and you will be able to earn money.

        For High Traffic, you should not depend only on Google, but also share your post on social media platforms, from which you will get traffic.

        Suppose you have created a blog today, then work hard daily for 3 or 6 months from today and forget about money. Because if you work well for 6 months, then the movement starts on your blog which means traffic starts coming.

        Only after this you will be able to earn some money. If you believe me, start working on Web Stories to earn more money.

How much can be earned from blog?

        Friends, no one can decide how much money can be earned by creating a blog. It is above the honor case of that blog that what kind of content he writes and how hard he works.

        You can start blogging, but it is also important for you to know how much money can be earned from it. Earning of any blog is based on its traffic. The higher the traffic of your blog, the higher your earnings will be.

        Let's assume that you have a blog in which more than 1 lakh traffic is coming every month, then you can easily earn 40 to 50 thousand rupees every month. Now you can guess from this that how much money is in it and how much you can earn.

blogging tips for beginners

Also create an account on Social Media in the name of your website and link everyone to each other.

Before writing a blog, analyze the content of the competitors completely and see which topics they have covered and which they have forgotten.

Also use Phrase and LSI Keywords along with Main Keyword in your blog.

Also update your article after some time. This will help you to improve your ranking.

Conclusion (How to start Blogging)

        So friends this was how to start blogging? I sincerely hope that you all must have liked this article written by me. You can create and prepare a blog in just one hour.

        But it is a very difficult task to make your blog accessible to the people. The person who works while learning continuously can be successful in blogging. That's why always keep learning something or the other and keep working.

        Hope you like our post How to start blogging? Must have learned something new from him. If you still feel that there is a need to improve something in this post, then you can tell us by commenting.

        Also, if you liked this post, then share it with all your social media accounts and friends. So that they too can get to know about Blogging.

Thank you!

Always keep learning ♥️
